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韩华  女,(1975-),籍贯:内蒙古,工学博士,副教授。1996年毕业于河北工程大学暖通专业,1999年获同济大学暖通专业硕士学位,2012年获上海交通大学制冷及低温工程专业博士学位,优秀毕业生。于20019月至20029月在香港理工大学楼宇设备工程系访学,从事分体空调余热利用研究,并发表SCI论文两篇。曾在新晃空调、信宁科技、三丰医疗等企业从事技术、研发、翻译、管理等工作。于硕士在读期间:(1998年)撰写论文“What’s in her way?受邀赴瑞士参加第28届国际管理研讨会(ISC),并以学生代表做主题演讲,参与撰写以该会为主题的书籍《直面矛盾》;评为“同济大学三八红旗手”。自20126月起在上海理工大学制冷技术研究所工作。
发表科研论文30余篇,其中SCI检索10余篇(其中一篇为ESI highly cited paper),EI检索及核心期刊10余篇,国际会议4篇。

[1]         H. Han, B. Gu, T. Wang, Z.R. Li. Important Sensors for Chiller Fault Detection and Diagnosis (FDD) from the Perspective of Feature Selection and Machine Learning, International Journal of Refrigeration. 34 (2011) 586-599 (SCI, EI,ESI highly cited paper)

[2]         Hua Han, Zhikun Cao, Bo Gu, Neng Ren. PCA-SVM-Based Automated Fault Detection and Diagnosis (AFDD) for Vapor-Compression Refrigeration Systems. International Journal of HVAC&R Research. 2010, 16(3): 295-313 (SCI, EI)

[3]         H. Han, B. Gu, J. Kang, Z.R. Li. Study on a Hybrid SVM Model for Chiller FDD Applications, Applied Thermal Engineering. 2011, 31: 582-592 (SCI, EI)

[4]         Hua Han, Bo Gu, Yingchun Hong, Jia Kan. Automated FDD of multiple- simultaneous faults (MSF) and the application to building chillers, Energy and Buildings. 2011, 43: 2524–2532 (SCI, EI)

[5]         H. Han, B. Gu, T. Wang, Z.R. Li. Study on fault indicative features in the automated fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) for chillers.The 7th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC2011), Shanghai, Nov. 6-9, 2011, Volume IV: 1281-1290

[6]         Zhikun Cao, Hua Han, Bo Gu, Neng Ren. A novel prediction model of frost growth on cold surface based on support vector machine. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2009, 29: 2320–2326 (SCI, EI)

[7]         H. Han, S.M. Deng. A Study on Residential Clothes Drying Using Waste Heat Rejected from a Split-Type Room Air Conditioner (RAC). Drying Technology. 2003, 21(8): 1471 — 1490 (SCI, EI)

[8]         韩华,谷波,任能. 基于主元分析与支持向量机的制冷系统故障诊断方法. 上海交通大学学报. 2011, 45(9): 1355-1361 (EI)

[9]         韩华,谷波,康嘉. 基于遗传算法和支持矢量机参数优化的制冷机组故障检测与诊断研究. 机械工程学报. 2011, 47(16): 120-126. (EI)

[10]     康嘉,韩华,谷波.制冷空调系统故障检测与诊断中的空气侧换热模型. 上海交通大学学报. 2011, 45(9): 1368-1373 (EI)

[11]     Hua Han, Wen-Hua Xu, Cun-Yang Fan. Particle Contamination Control of Comfort Air Conditioning System.ACHRB: air conditioning in high rise buildings '2000 (Shanghai, 24-27 October 2000), ID: B008.(首次提出空调系统临界过滤效率概念)

[12]     Hua Han. What’s In Her Way? The 28th International Management Symposium, St Gallen, Switserland, 1998/5. (top 5/250 across the world)

[13]     《直面矛盾》,同济大学出版社,参编。

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